" So faith comes by hearing, and what we hear comes from Word (Rhema) of CHRIST." (Romans 10: 17, Louis Segond)
" And when this letter has been read amoung you cause that it be read also in the Church of the Laodiceans. And also that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea." (Colossians 4:16, NIV 21)
Partage ton Rhema (Share your Rhema) is a non-profit Christian association whose objective is to make the Truth of JESUS-CHRIST and the testimonies of his Love known, Through filmography, literature and any other activities that could contribute to it.
Inspired by versesRomans 10:17&Colossians 4:16, our vision is a prayer:
May the Truth (Aletheia) be heard and known to all.
May the writings cross the churches, the streets, the schools, the prisons and reach the ends of the earth.
That they are available near train stations and airports.
May they be translated and transmitted with integrity.
May the books reach where there are no teachers.
May everyone read those who yesterday and today write history with JESUS CHRIST.
May we be palms, olives and almond trees of Your nursery LORD.

On May 15, 2015, precisely on her birthday, the LORD asked Simone-Christelle NM, to offer copies of the books through which he instructs him. On this same date, He told her the outline of her destiny. He told her " How will they be set free if they know neither the Truth nor my Love? How will they know the truth if it is not taught to them? How will they believe if they do not hear? Allow others to read what you read. Share your Rhema."
The same year she obtained her Masters in Management and Financial Audit. She began by distributing books in letterboxes, by sending books through various associations to orphanages in Cameroon and persecuted Christians in different countries. In 2017, she received the vision of the association, and a few years after the conviction to create it officially. To know more about her, visit her blog www.lovemeetsfaith.com / www.lovetruthfaith.com.